Concerts with a Cause

Concerts with a Cause

Concerts with a Cause brings live music to our community, offering several concerts each year featuring world-famous musicians. Generous donors allow us to offer the concert series free of charge. At each concert, we collect a “love offering” – not for the performers but for a local service organization. Since its beginning in 2003, Concerts with a Cause has donated $264,812 to 66 local organizations which are doing good work for the Kingdom of God in our community.

Christianity has always been associated with great works of art and beauty, expressing the inexpressible and transcending the earthbound.  We believe these concerts, whether they feature sacred or secular music, help audiences find God here.

Some past performers:

  • Eugenia Zukerman
  • Joseph Flummerfelt
  • Mack Wilberg (Mormon Tabernacle Choir)
  • Emily Saliers (The Indigo Girls)
  • Alice Parker
  • The Swingle Singers
  • Windsync
  • Sophie Shao
  • The Vega Quartet
  • Gesualdo Six
  • Rastrelli Quartet
  • Organists Timothy Albrecht, Colin Andrews, Diane Meredith Belcher, Chelsea Chen, David Cherwien, Monica Czausz, Ken Cowan, Isabel Demers, John Ferguson, Janette Fishell, David Higgs, Paul Jacobs, Olivier Latry, Nathan Laube, Alan Morrison, Hector Oliveria, Charles Tompkins, Gillian Weir, Bradly Hunter Welch, and Todd Wilson

Concerts are always free and open to the public.  No ticket required!